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Knoxville, TN OA Meetings
Saturday, 9:30 AM - (Closed - This meeting is restricted to those who desire to stop eating compulsively (OA members and others who think they may have a problem with food.))Messiah Lutheran Church (push buzzer to enter building and door will be opened)
Contact: Teresa 865-437-8601
If you think you have a problem with food, you are welcome at this meeting. This meeting is "closed" to students, visitors & others who would come for reasons other than a desire to stop eating compulsively.
Sunday, 4:00 PM - (Open - This meeting is open to OA members and non-OA visitors.)
Sacred Heart Cathedral (ART classroom) (see photo below)
Contact: Teresa - 865-437-8601
Use the driveway nearest the Diocese Building on the church campus (enter by the south entrance - closer to Westland). Park in the front lot if possible. Facing the front of the church, our meeting is in the left corner of the school, up a few steps. Look for ORANGE SIGNS. During our Big Book Study, there will be reading, writing and discussion!
Thursday, 5:30 PM - Literature Meeting - (Open - This meeting is open to OA members and non-OA visitors.)
Cokesbury Center (ROOM CHANGE Room 403) (Recovery at Cokesbury)
Contact: Betty - 865-777-9102

On north side of Kingston Pike, next to Harper Volkswagen
Clinton, TN OA Meeting
Tuesday, 5:30 PM - Literature Meeting - (Open - This meeting is open to OA members and non-OA visitors.)First Baptist Church Clinton (Family Life Center)
Contact - Beverly - 865-298-5979
2nd floor, either Hearth room or Room 204 - look for sign
Johnson City, TN OA Meetings
Tuesday, 7:30 PM - (Open - This meeting is open to OA members and non-OA visitors.)Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Contact - Judy - 423-929-3943
Thursday, 5:30 PM - (Open - This meeting is open to OA members and non-OA visitors.)
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Contact - Anne 423-612-0620 or Ruth 423-557-8168
Maryville, TN OA Meeting
Wednesday, 12:00 PM - (Open - This meeting is open to OA members and non-OA visitors.)Highland Presbyterian Church
Contact: Maureen 865-244-6720
We will meet in the parlor of the church. You can get to the parlor by going to the church office door (up the ramp), and there will be signs to direct you from there.
NEW! Gatlinburg, TN OA Meeting
Thursday, 7:00 PM - (Open - This meeting is open to OA members and non-OA visitors.)Trinity Episcopal Church
Contact: Anna 859-229-8099 (texting welcome!)
From church parking lot go to left side of the building and up the stairs to the red door.